Tuesday, December 9, 2008

An Advent Tale IX

“Thank you,” Julian said, “but we’re kind of in a hurry. I have to find Sam. She’s my girlfriend, she was with me when…” A cup of tea came levitating towards him and he took it out of pity. Teacups weren’t supposed to levitate. “Well, I don’t know what happened,” he finished. The cup was warm and he tried to warm his hands. Otherwise the tea smelled suspicious, and he wasn’t yet sure if vampires could drink tea, so he decided not to try drinking it. No one but Shana tasted either.

“Please describe her,” Shana said and gestured for him to sit down. He shook his head because his clothes were all dirty and full of snow, but she insisted, so he sat down on the edge of the seat of a dining room chair with a blue silk pillow on.

“She’s blonde, about this long, and skinny,” he said. “Her name is Samantha… and she’s a vampire. I think. I mean, we think, I don’t know. I, um, last thing I remember I wasn’t one, and I was with her, so I guess…” by now Shana was staring down into her teacup and didn’t seem to listen so he changed course. “Please, if you can help me…”

“Yes, yes,” Shana said, “of course I help a friend of Ray’s. No need to try and awe me.”

“Do what?” Julian said and saw the other cast glances on him with narrowing eyes. “Err… sorry?”


Kat said...

Flying teacups (ans saucers) seems so much better a ride than spinning teacups (and saucers)...

Kat said...

I'm sorry, this had nothing to do with the tale. I finally realized I do have a friend who's name starts with J. I'm so unbelievably slow.

Yeonni said...

Haha, I was wondering how long it'd take you XD

Kat said...

Speaking of long; it is now 6:30 AM - and there's no new episode for me to read!

Eva said...

Speaking of long. It's 13:02, and there's still no new tale to read :(