Monday, December 15, 2008

An Advent Tale XV

Julian had ended up with Ray and Melody. All three of them calmed down around the same time, and so also realized about the same time that they were irrevocably, indisputably lost, and this time with good reason. The tunnels split and curved everywhere and they didn’t know what was forward and what was back.

“I say we follow a wall,” Ray said. “If we always take right, we find our way out sooner or later. See, I can draw you this diagram…” And he started looking around for a stick to draw with.

“We don’t have time!” Julian wailed. “Who knows what Sam’s going through!”

“Shh,” Melody said. “There’s someone coming from behind us.”

Since there was really nowhere to hide in the small, empty tunnels, they all huddled together and waited. Coming around the corner, teeth gleaming in a wide smile, was a young vampire dressed in jeans and t-shirt even as it was the middle of winter.

“Whew,” he said. “You all ran off like that, I thought I wouldn’t find you.” He pulled off one fingerless, black glove, walked up to Ray and hit him in the face with it. Before the three’s confused eyes he then threw the glove on the ground. “There,” he declared. “I challenge you!”


Anonymous said...

I seriously love that picture. Of poor Ray in the sand with a stick and a glove :D

Sara said...

Yay I was waiting for him XD

Kat said...

Was there any doubt that it was him in the last episode?

Anonymous said...

Dun-dun-dun! Teh ploth thickens...

Sara said...

No, not really. He just didn't get much attention that time..