Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I Do Like Dogs

Now I did something funny... I volunteered to read a poem of mine in front of the school at our café-night next tuesday. It felt right when I did, but now I'm scardie.

Most of all I don't know which poem to read; the one in ekshärska down there, or this one:

I Like Dogs

Dogs are stupid - and they smell!
Have absolutely nothing that speaks well
of their poor undereducated minds
whose only good lies in to find
little sticks and powdered dust,
and to add, they simply must!
wet their eye and wag their tail
and whimper poorly when they fail
to please their master, speaks it not
how void of pride they are, the lot!
And you must feed them all the time
and they spread dirt just all around!
So listen to me, one and all,
upon your well-being I now call:
for I give very good advice,
I'm sure you'll want to thank me thrice (later)
Yes, though they are dummer than a log,
you all will love - to own a dog!

*bows*, *waves*, and *leaves*


Sara said...

Den var söt ^_^ försöker du sluta fred med någon??

Yeonni said...

Haha, saw through me right away! ^^
Jo, jag tänkte att hon skulle förlåta mig om jag förklarade mig lite bättre =P Så jag måste nog faktiskt läsa den på cafékvällen